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Clan improvement
imsozzDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 22:03:02 | Message # 1

Messages: 212
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Reputation: 5
Best fellow clan members,

I've heard a lot about the server being less filled with players lately and especially in the evenings.I had some idea's to maybe improve the clan a bit by getting more members to join and maybe have a server full of active members.

At first i had an idea for our management (its okay now but maybe it would be an idea have the managers a lot more on the server an not just a lot on the forums. I see dropz a lot on the server and marx is also a lot online but less than other players. More members online isn't just managers but a lot of the members in our clan don't come online often. i would like to see more activity of the members with lower ranks as well.

Also I had the idea of changing the maps. add new ones and maybe remove the ones that arnt played much.

I've also heard a lot of complains about the damage of the weapons. some weapons like mp40 and thompson could get a bit more damage done.

And last but not least, when new players join they should get some extra attention in the beginning so they get a better feeling about feeling comfy in the clan. (this idea i got from google and i couldn't agree less.

This are just some ideas to get a fuller server and bigger clan and i would like to hear some opinions about this smile

Also i wish u guys Happy Holidays! and imsozz for my bad english... smile


MeiziDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 22:31:03 | Message # 2

Messages: 7753
Awards: 23
Reputation: 20
These are actually things management team should be observing all the time and make the changes if necessary. I haven't been a manager for 12 days now, so I cannot judge how things are ran by them, but because activity has gone down since then, I'm guessing the job isn't done well.

I wish I could catch up with JT somewhere, to talk about the leading part of the IA and whole future of this clan. If we let this run by its course alone again, without making any adjustments by managers, we will end up being in the same position as in last summer. And I can ensure you guys, this time reviving won't be that easy, since like half of game's clans has died in past few months already.

Anyways, like I said; I wish to talk with JT of my status in here and go from there. Also I wish management
team would wake up once again and starting managing this clan, if they aren't doing it already.

I like your ideas, imsozz, since they're pretty basic things how to improve the server. Managers should take this topic under a discussion in their section.


TwisterxzDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 22:37:52 | Message # 3
Minecraft Server Admin

Messages: 2470
Awards: 7
Reputation: 15
the server is getting empty again...
too bad. after we setup a dedicated server (which costs a lot of money).
i've got my reasons why i'm inactive sometimes but we got 60+ members....
we should fill the server easily with that.
meizi, if you dont mind, i want to take part in that talk with jt.

btw which maps do you want to be deleted? or added?
make a vote about it and i will do the job smile


MeiziDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 22:46:42 | Message # 4

Messages: 7753
Awards: 23
Reputation: 20
Quote Twisterxz ()
meizi, if you dont mind, i want to take part in that talk with jt.
I actually do mind biggrin Because due Jory's busy time, I don't think we are able to do this chat in xfire, but in facebook. And because I think we're discussing some private things which were planned already months ago, I would mind having extra pair of eyes there biggrin But don't worry, everybody will hear what we have discussed, if this ever is going to happen biggrin


WaRRioRDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 23:39:53 | Message # 5

Messages: 2657
Awards: 4
Reputation: 12
meiz where the fuck are ya than :(. we need ya. atleast i got the feeling we do.


"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again, expecting... shit to change.


Did I ever tell you the definition... of insanity?"

imsozzDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 23:43:19 | Message # 6

Messages: 212
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Reputation: 5
We do warrior ur not the only one thinking we cant go without meizi..


MarxDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 23:49:59 | Message # 7
Dirty Bomb Admin

Messages: 7341
Awards: 26
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Steam: marx7
right now people on vacations and so , some have more time to play some are away and so on.
with maps should do vote topic.
mp40 and thompson dmg are ok  some people whine about panzer dmg.

and about me i am as active as i can this week 15hours so far  thats not very less biggrin
And who can should stay on spec so we get better rank and more players.


imsozzDate: Friday, 20/12/2013, 23:54:55 | Message # 8

Messages: 212
Awards: 0
Reputation: 5
server was running empty even far before the exams and holidays.... and 15 hours is pretty active keep it going smile


MostafaDate: Saturday, 21/12/2013, 00:19:02 | Message # 9

Messages: 2016
Awards: 7
Reputation: 10
First of all I'd like to say my opnion but of course I agree alot with you and Google tho welcoming a player only in the begging wouldn't be the best thing, why not have friendly attitude with any1? ( If he's friendly ofcourse ) Show good attitude in the begging,later and even more later.. (All the time) Need to show that we're a family not just bunch of people that have #IA behind their names and that's it
what I mean is:
Admins should work together for example, when its not balanced, all admins quickly solve it by switching to the atleast (-2) players and make for example an 5o5 instead of 4o6 but I have noticed earlier that (No need to mention names) alot of admins just prefer to play on the winning team. some just ignore and play, maybe some obey by pleasants on admin chat what I'm saying that it shouldn't be a pleasant to do,admins are not people with some powers that play like a boss and that's it, there are duties for everyone to keep the server organized. Aside of balancing is the bad language, some people swear and do not take action, I think when I'm the only one taking action against rule breakers it breaks down my moral specially there's no inspiration by thinking they'd say like ( oh this admin acting like a nazi ) as this phrase was actually said lately but not to me I can't remember who exactly tho. This person was a finnish one that seemd familiar to the clan but did not know who he is. he had a fake nickname tho. but what I am sure of that small mistakes will make the clan fall apart slowly. 

Anyway about inactivity, it's quite ok we're in chrismats kinda and passing to a new year. Almost everyone went for holidays and parties. so It's normal to see some little activity in the evening well today in like 5 pm server population was over 17, that's not too little for that time we're in currently (Chrismats and so on)

I'm suggesting that we should make the probabtions useful but how:
Most probabtion members were just playing active and that's it He's accepted!, probabtion should show the applyer's attitude, balancing teams, punishing rule breakers and active on forum to make sure for the recruiter to decide if he's capable to be one of us. sry for a long text and that my English is not fluent. smile


imsozzDate: Saturday, 21/12/2013, 00:57:31 | Message # 10

Messages: 212
Awards: 0
Reputation: 5
agreed with mostafa but mostafa as i said earlier, its full for short time and than it goes empty for long time... and it was running low even before the exams and holidays but your point on the probation is also a great idea. and i hope the managers will take that in as well. and to all other people viewing this thread, please come up with more options this is just a beginning of giving the server a good boost again!


HB-OrangeDate: Saturday, 21/12/2013, 09:57:17 | Message # 11

Messages: 991
Awards: 7
Reputation: 3
Quote imsozz ()
i would like to see more activity of the members with lower ranks as well.

Quote Mostafa ()
Most probabtion members were just playing active and that's it He's accepted!,

Here exactly i see the major problem. People who applied 'WERE' active before they got accepted. Now they are in, no sight of them, well not so much. That is important. I always see higher members (there are some bright exceptions on the lower ones of course)on the server(guess that's loyality).


MeiziDate: Saturday, 21/12/2013, 10:18:34 | Message # 12

Messages: 7753
Awards: 23
Reputation: 20
I was actually going to make some changes in probation system before I had to go inactive. It's something I might think about again if JT puts me to managers wink


crazyDate: Saturday, 21/12/2013, 10:33:30 | Message # 13

Messages: 25
Awards: 0
Reputation: 0
We need all the standard maps but maps like northpole and shit needs to be removed standard maps like adlernest,braundorf, venice, caen are nice

imsozzDate: Saturday, 21/12/2013, 10:57:24 | Message # 14

Messages: 212
Awards: 0
Reputation: 5
twister is going to work on the maps a.s.a.p.


DropzDate: Saturday, 21/12/2013, 12:53:03 | Message # 15

Messages: 1886
Awards: 7
Reputation: 11
Meizi get the new computer and come back newb biggrin


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