Please use the appropriate format
Quote (JT)
Before you start making your apply, first read our rules!
-Get atleast 5k (5000) XP (experience points) on our server.
-Please do not make any apply if you are just here for levels or tags!
Fill in these questions on your application:
1.Tell something about yourself.
-where you live, how old you are, what kind of hobby's you have etc.
2.Do you have Xfire? if yes, what is your name. if not, download it!
-download it from here:
3.How much XP do you have at our server at the moment?
-atleast 5000xp is required!
4.Why do you want to join us?
5.Did you read our rules and will you uphold them?
-make sure you read it!
and get xfire, else we can not accept your application