1. What is your name on the server? Mike, but i think i gonna change it soon 2. Where are you from? Latvia, Riga
3. How old are you? 17
4. Do you have Xfire? if not can you download it? I don't have it, but i can download.
5. Have you ever been in a clan before? If yes which clan? FaT clan and much more ..
6. How much XP do you have on the server? 5000+
7. What brings you to this server? Good maps, nice server settings and nice people. :P
8. How much you play during week? 15 - 30 hours :P
9. What time are you online? It depends .. e.g. yesterday i played 8.00 - 22.00 EET but mostly i play at evenings in EET time
10. Do you agree that you always wear tags and uphold the clan rules? SURE