Hi, this is the Eternal-Guard from finland! And answers to these questions. 1.What is your name on the server? Eternal-Guard, but if you let me in, ill change to it to Guard
2.Where are you from? Finland
3.How old are you? 18
4.do you have Xfire? if not can you download it? I had, once, but i deleted it. I can download it, if have time
5.have you ever been in a clan before? if yes which clan? yes, they are many so i only put something i remember |NP|, GoW, TsK, TsW, ]R[... and many many else
6.How much XP do you have on the server? I had 3000, but then it restored, , idk why, but now something 50
7.what brings you to this server? i search new clan, and i find this
8.how much you play during week? 2h per day, so..
9.what time are you online? ehm, i think 16-18 in finnish time
10.do you agree that you always wear tags and uphold the clan rules? Yes
PS. Im next week at holiday, i go to Turku, so i guess i dont play in next week.