1.Tell something about yourself.
-I come from holland,my age is 16, i like to drink beer with my friends and i like to be the PartyAnimal that is my name StreetPartyAnimal.010 010 means Rotterdam thats a very nice city in holland. 2.Do you have Xfire?
i have xfire my xfire is 1993darkflip.
when u have questions u can ask me.
3.How long do you play ET and how long do you play on our server?
i think i play 6 a 7 years et but first 2year only public then i think 2a3 year stop then 1year with a little stop and now i think 3monds on this server.
4.Have you ever been in another clan? if yes which clans and why did you leave/did you got kicked? and what was your level/rank/job there?
yes i have play with much clans.
<ekc> they go play 6.0
dr. i was stop with et.
-|BB| i was scrimleader but i was stop.
$$. my clan i was leader and scrimleader.
-=dms| i was leader and scrimleader. (but old never scrim:P)
and very much more clans.
5.Do you agree that you will write at least once a week on our forum and when you cant play, you let us know through a message on the forum?
6.Do you agree that you read our rules and that you will uphold all our rules?
yes i agree.
Peace boys and girls play with fun.