First its okay u apologize if green , or jt accept it its their decision .
But its the same like Sprite , Well were planning atm to get New Members loyal, trustable, friendly Player a new Start , and not to take all kicked Members back . I can explain it .. like this : Kicked Members are the old chapters of IA were planning to begin a new Chapter . And to make the Chapter better we cant take thinks of the old chapters back .
I told u this aswell on Server , so i dont know why u made this Post.
To be in a Clan is not like to be somwhere u can do all u want . We all dont see ET as Competition , were here to have fun , and play together as 1 Clan as International Army .
So but even if ,we play for fun , and not for the World Cup we still need ppl who follow the Rules..
U dont do that and im sry to say but ur Game Over
We still are glad to see u as a Player of ET on the Server but not as Member. I think im not the onlyst 1 who think like that .
So please Sea-Fire accept this result that will came out this Application .
Cheers Rag3