Tell something about yourself. Umm im 15 my name is Cj, im in new zealand hense the BAD ping i have
I love ET i spent ages on it No Im not a nerd lol i have a life
Do you have Xfire?
Yes sir! Killercj2 Is My Xfire
How long do you play ET and how long do you play on our server?
Lol Ive played ET for umm 4months now, i use to play about 3/4 years ago became good but i had to put my school first now i dont :p.
I have been playing on your server as much as possible becuase the nice friendly people in here I try to come on when i can but about 8hrs a day in holadays and like 4 in schooldays.
Do you agree that you will write at least once a week on our forum and when you cant play, you let us know through a message on the forum?
Yes ofcorse nuthing like a person not telling when there not gonig to be on, and i do post a lot beucase i write a lot as u can see in the game.
Do you agree that you read our rules and that you will uphold all our rules?
I have read them and yes i will
p.s Sorry forgot to say, Thank's so much JT for letting me do this app!
and don't forget to get ur free candy lol