Hello Members IA , like you noticed our Servers activity raised down .
Reasons for this are , The time we are in atm , everyone is bussy , it’s a nice Weather everyone goes out. And also this little issues with the Server is a little reason for this situation . Like you noticed also maybe , our Recruitment Period is longer then before
Its because we want to get much more Members , cause we want to get a better activity on Servers , but also we want to support everyone in the same way like before , cause of if there will be more Members it will be harder to handle it , so now the Management Team figured something out .
We want to Create some little groups, the group Leaders will be :
JT,Puppet,Made ,Usy ,Rag3
We want to see first who plays(This Thread Running at moment ) , at what time so we can place the people that play at same time at one group , with the Leader that plays around this times.
Who will be in this Groups ? (Well only the New Members –Probation , Recruits, Captains ) They need the most attention , all higher Members , we know they alrdy know how to handle Problems , and they know whats important for us.
(This don’t mean you don’t get supported , you still will be supported by Leaders and Owners like before)
But the New Members will be Focused with this groups.
Advantages :
+ You get a better support
+If you allways play together , you will learn faster how to handle problems.
+If we put ppl in a group that usually play together the team work will be better.
+We could make some little Fun Matches (this is not a scrim team ) on Jaymod for example.
Well this means then you first contact Person will be the Leader , but dont forget l ofc if there is something he cant decide , or something you want to tell to the Owners your free to contact us .
Important: The Leader is Responsable for you . he can promote you, till a max level , but he also can punish you if you dont listen to him , or dont follow the Rules.
How to Handle :
We will have some groups and it will have a Leader your contact person , for problems, or anything else like i explained before :
Groups will be :
Usy Blue ,
JT Red
Puppet -Black
Made Yellow
The groups will be made from us , we will check who plays around what time , and which Leaders Time match with it , so there is nothing like, That we want some Members in one group cause we like him and the other one not cause we dont like .
I hope this will be good for the clan , this will be a help to involve the Players in the Clan Buisness .
Soon there will come New Rules and Requirments on our Recruitment too so soon all be updated!
The International Army - Management Team -