So yeah once again yet another Clan did something out of hand, just incase your wondering the Problem between myself and soltilas and Dare a while back. But of course the infamous Cameron Lord know who her name is w/e....Muted talking bout I know why......SHE MUTED ME RIGHT AFTER SHE KILLED ME AND AND I SAID :GAY, LOL,THEN JK.....Then here she comes talkin about Mute and I know why.....I have no idea why. Hand in hand this is why i left yall clan because yall rules for one only a select few follow and 2 yall state no reason why you do things, never considering the fact that you should tell them so you could prevent problems like these on your forum. Besides look at ya clan As i told some of you before yall wont last very long anyway, some ppl are starting to leave. But anywho...just thought i had to say my part, considering the fact I dont post or nothing or have problems and if i do i rarely state them.
Seems like you needa check ya clan for its purpose and not the rank of use.