kwantumpresbyterianen | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 16:40:40 | Message # 1 |
Messages: 73
| ********************************************************************************
--- PB Settings ---
pb_sleep "500" pb_security "0" | These settings will make it less laggy ingame.|
!!!!!!!!! SMALL BUT VERY IMPORTANT SETTINGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--- Seta Settings ---
seta sensitivity "X" ---> change the X in a number seta r_gamma "X" ---> makes your screen lighter and darker seta rate "25000" seta snaps "20" seta com_maxfps "125" ---> fill in the FPS u can max. get seta cl_timenudge "0" seta cl_maxpackets "100" seta cg_crosshairsize "37" | seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" | seta cg_crosshairColor "green" | DEZE 5 SETTINGS ZOU IK GEWOON OVERNEMEN MISSCHIEN KLEUR CHANGE MAAR, DIT IS EEN ZEER DUIDELIJKE AIMPOINT !!!! seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.000000" | Je kan cg_crosshairsize change als je vind dat het puntje te groot of te klein is ! seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "green" | seta cg_coronafardist "0" seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "0" seta cg_drawCrosshair "5" seta cg_bobup "0" | seta cg_bobpitch "0" | seta cg_bobrun "0" | When u crouch and you move forward you will not wobble. Bob settings will ensure seta cg_bobroll "0" | it. Also run settings. seta cg_bobyaw "0" | seta cg_runroll "0" | seta cg_runpitch "0" | seta cg_fov "X" ---> change X in a number between 90-120 (I play with a fov changer 100 and 120) seta pmoved_fixed "1" ---> when u have this setting on 1 u will jump higher. Some mods will bug. seta cg_autoAction "0" seta cg_wolfparticles "1" seta cg_shadows "0" seta com_maxfps "125" ---> fill in the maximum fps u can get. seta cg_lagometer "1" seta cg_muzzleFlash "0" seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0" seta b_sv_hitsounds "1" seta cg_showblood "0" ---> when u have showblood and bloodflash at 0 it will delete all the blood on your seta cg_bloodFlash "0" screen.
--- Bind Settings MOVEMENT ---
bind w "+forward" bind a "+moveleft" bind b "+zoom" bind d "+moveright" bind e "+leanright" bind f "+activate" bind l "openlimbomenu" bind s "+back" bind q "+leanleft" bind t "messagemode" bind u "messagemode3" bind v "mp_quickmessage" bind y "messagemode2" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F3 "ready" bind F12 "mp_fireteamadmin" bind x "+prone" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind CAPSLOCK "+speed" bind SHIFT "+sprint" bind TAB "+scores" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+weapalt" bind r "+reload" bind c "+movedown" bind z "kill"
bind ALT "+stats" //Your individual stats and experience bind "+topshots" //The best stats from everyone bind ` "toggleconsole" //opens the console bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind TAB "+scores" //scores/ping/teams bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" //Main menu
--- Bind Settings CHAT --- bind t "messagemode" //Global chat bind u "messagemode3" //Fire team chat bind y "messagemode2" //Team chat bind v "mp_quickmessage" //'V' say commands bind z "mp_fireteammsg" //'V' for your fireteam
--- Bind Settings SPAWN ---
bind X "vstr initspawn; play sound/menu/select.wav;say_team "^7Enemy just respawned!"" | change X in a button u want |
bind uparrow "timerset 35" bind rightarrow "timerset 35" bind downarrow "timerset 25" bind leftarrow "timerset 20"
bind DEL "setspawnpt 4; echo ^7spawnpoint ^14" bind INS "setspawnpt 1; echo ^7spawnpoint ^11" bind HOME "setspawnpt 2; echo ^7spawnpoint ^12" bind PGup "setspawnpt 3; echo ^7spawnpoint ^13" bind PgDn "setspawnpt 6; echo ^7spawnpoint ^16" bind END "setspawnpt 5; echo ^7spawnpoint ^15"
--- Bind Settings WEAPONBANK ---
bind 1 "weaponbank 1" //Knife bind 2 "weaponbank 2" //Pistol bind 3 "weaponbank 3" //Main gun bind 4 "weaponbank 4" //Grenade bind 5 "weaponbank 5" //Med=Needle, FO=airstrike, Eng=Pliers. CO=Smoke cannister bind 6 "weaponbank 6" //Med=HealthPack, FO= AmmoPack, Eng=Dynamite, CO=DetPack bind 7 "weaponbank 7" //Binocular (fire to use), Eng-LandMines
--- Bind Settings CLASS ---
bind F5 "class m 1; cmd vsay_team IamMedic ^7MeDiC bind F6 "class e 1; cmd vsay_team IamEngineer ^7eNgEnEeR bind F8 "class f 1; cmd vsay_team IamFieldOps ^7FiElDoPs bind F9 "class c 1; cmd vsay_team IamCovertOps ^7CoVeRtOps
--- Bind Settings TEAM ---
bind kp_ins "team s;say ^w*Spectator bind kp_end "team r;say ^w*Axis bind kp_downarrow "team b;say ^w*Allies
I hope it will help a little I won't give all settings cause some of them are also a little secret only very good friend/teammates can have them =)
U can always pm me ingame for questions =) or ask it here =)
Aimpoint are very good settings With these settings your aimpoint is very clear if you compare with other aimpoints.
This is around 35-40% of my config its not that much. But I think I will work again on my config this weekend to improve my config. And maybe I will share more, but this is already a begin.
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LATINO | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 16:48:40 | Message # 2 |
Messages: 164
| Quote kwantumpresbyterianen I hope it will help a little I won't give all settings cause some of them are also a little secret only very good friend/teammates can have them =)
like bind f11 "wallhack 1" bind f10 "wallhack 0" just joking
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Sherclock | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 20:40:19 | Message # 3 |
Coffee and cake specialist
Messages: 3389
| Quote I hope it will help a little I won't give all settings cause some of them are also a little secret only very good friend/teammates can have them =) Lol, only settings that matters in this game are, r_mode cg_fov sensitivity r_gamma com_maxfps and crosshair changing settings and blood splattering.
If someone thinks that config is important you are thinking wrong. I can play like a pro with any config if u allow me to switch settings i listed above. Its just all about what u have got used to.
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kwantumpresbyterianen | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 22:03:51 | Message # 5 |
Messages: 73
| Quote Sherclock ( ) Lol, only settings that matters in this game are, r_mode cg_fov sensitivity r_gamma com_maxfps and crosshair changing settings and blood splattering. U forgot one, very important one mouse1 And ofc you're right. I know ppl who got a cfg 7pages long 1000 settings of them, they don't even know what they are doing. But I can imagine that some ppl, not as good as seaturtle, razor, ... that they still play with weird settings like bloodsplatters on.
But many ppl were pming me for my config. But I don't give my cfg but some pieces of it.
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Sherclock | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 22:10:34 | Message # 6 |
Coffee and cake specialist
Messages: 3389
| Quote But many ppl were pming me for my config. But I don't give my cfg but some pieces of it. Yeah ofc its everyones own business whether they like to share cfg or not but all im saying cfg really doesn't matter.
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Seaturtle | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 22:12:29 | Message # 7 |
Messages: 963
| Configs? Whats that....! Nah, I got my crosshair changed! Oh and com_maxfps 125 , else I cant jump on crates on Special delivery ofcourse!
Words like violence, break the silence.
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kwantumpresbyterianen | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 22:14:04 | Message # 8 |
Messages: 73
| Quote Seaturtle ( ) Oh and com_maxfps 125 , else I cant jump on crates on Special delivery ofcourse! try /pmove_fixed 1 =D
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Meizi | Date: Tuesday, 29/10/2013, 22:22:27 | Message # 9 |
Messages: 7753
| I just change color of my crosshair and some keys and I'm good to go from default settings
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WaRRioR | Date: Wednesday, 30/10/2013, 08:41:19 | Message # 10 |
Messages: 2657
| i got sher his cfg :D. only swapped some buttons around. :D.
"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again, expecting... shit to change.
Did I ever tell you the definition... of insanity?"
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LATINO | Date: Wednesday, 30/10/2013, 09:28:11 | Message # 11 |
Messages: 164
| Quote kwantumpresbyterianen that they still play with weird settings like bloodsplatters on.
nothing wrong with bloodsplatters i play with them on silentmod too, just for funz , at ETPro i have that off :d
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Gooogle | Date: Wednesday, 30/10/2013, 11:35:50 | Message # 12 |
Messages: 1361
| thnx kwantum!
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djuki | Date: Wednesday, 30/10/2013, 22:42:01 | Message # 13 |
The idiot who thought he had a real life.
Messages: 1986
| Quote kwantumpresbyterianen ( ) seta com_maxfps "125" ---> fill in the maximum fps u can get. your description isnt right. It needs to be Lowest Stable FPS you can run. its its set on the highest FPS it has no use. It'll make sure you FPS in constant and doenst vary! BTW it's mentions 2 times. Quote kwantumpresbyterianen ( ) seta cg_showblood "0" ---> when u have showblood and bloodflash at 0 it will delete all the blood on your screen this isnt right either. this is what ant man has to say about it. toggles showing blood spurt effect when player's are shot. _ SO not when you are shot but when another player is shot.
btw the PB settings. I dont think they work since PB doesnt support ET anymore. I could be mistaken on this one
Just to be a dick
djuki32: i mean now djuki32: Lol iA! Dime': now?Å djuki32: yea iA! Dime': as in u and me djuki32: yea djuki32: lol iA! Dime': as in u and me and romantic dinner? djuki32: no soory djuki32: lool iA! Dime': u gotta buy me flowers at least djuki32: ok ok djuki32: :p
Message edited by djuki - Wednesday, 30/10/2013, 22:49:39 |
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djuki | Date: Wednesday, 30/10/2013, 22:45:07 | Message # 14 |
The idiot who thought he had a real life.
Messages: 1986
| btw my settings cfg.
Code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SETTINGS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
set cg_complaintPopUp 0 /// toggles wether to show the popup about filing complaints after a teamkill set cl_doubletapDelay 0 /// this turns off double tap (pressing crouch twice = going into prone) set cg_weaponCycleDelay 0
set cg_autoReload 0 /// toggles automatically reloading weapon when clip becomes empty set cg_autoSwitch 0 /// toggles automatically changing weapon when current one is out of ammo
/// video-card settings [Iff you want FPS boost set it to:] set cg_shadows "0" // "0" set r_finish "0" // "0" set r_detailtextures "0" // "0" set r_subdivisions "999" // "999" set r_fastsky "1" // "1" set r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" // "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" set r_picmip "0" // "3"
/// make sure game loads in 1920 x 1080 [You should change this to the settinggs you use normal in windows!!!] set r_mode "-1" set r_customwidth "1920" set r_customheight "1080" set r_fullscreen "1" set r_displayrefresh "60" /// data transmission to the server. set cl_maxpackets "100" set snaps "20" /// range between 20 and 40 is good. Sets number of packets sent to the server.
/// max fps set com_maxfps "76" ///Sets you MAXIMUM FPS rate to 76. this way you have a constant fps!!
/// rate set rate "25000"
cl_timenudge "0" ///Values: -50 to 0 /// It does some crazy calculations to somehow prevent lagging. /// Note that some servers only allow values from -20 to 0. Other doesn’t allow it because they consider as cheat.
/// memory boost set com_hunkmegs "1024" set com_soundmegs "64" ///Sets the amount of memory (MB) to allocate for loaded sound files. default is 16 set com_zonemegs "128" ///Amount of RAM to allocate to... Zone. Map & texture loading...can be adjusted to provide better performance on systems with more mb of memory. default is 16
/// Chat set cg_teamChatTime "999999" /// N = ms. Chat will only fadeout in 999999 milisec set cg_teamChatHeight "7" /// Maxium amount of chat line used to display
/// Sound set cg_hitsounds "1" set s_musicvolume "0"
/// Game Vieuw set cg_atmosphericeffects "0" /// DONT SHOW effects like rain and snow.. set to 0 is off set cg_wolfparticles "0" /// Doesnt show airstrike-smoke on impacket when set to o ////set r_clamptoedge "0" /// removes the fog using ATI video cards, improving a little bit the long range visibility // Blood set cg_blinktime "100" set cg_bloodDamageBlend "0" /// Amount of blood flashed on screen when you take damage. set cg_bloodTime "0" /// Duration of blood puddle effect on walls/floor etc. set cg_bloodFlash "0" /// Amount of blood flashed on screen when you take damage. set cg_showblood "0" set cg_bloodTime "0"
/// hud settings set cg_lagometer "1" set cg_drawclock "111" set cg_drawfps "1" set cg_drawspeed "1" set cg_drawReinforcementTime"1" set cg_drawRoundTimer "1"
/// Bobs (the way your crosshair moves when you walk or run) set cg_bobroll "0.0" /// Sets extent of the bob roll (left/right) effect when moving. set cg_bobpitch "0.0" /// Sets extent of the bob pitch (forwards/backwards) effect when moving. set cg_bobup "0.0" /// Sets extent of the vertical "bob" effect when moving. ##CB## IN 0 0.005 set cg_bobyaw "0.0" /// Sets extent of the "bob" yaw (turn left/right) effect when moving. set cg_runroll "0" /// See cg_bobpitch, runroll appears to be Q3 relic?
set cg_brassTime "0"
///Remove judder when hit set cg_damagekick "0.0" set cg_fallkick "0.0" set cg_drawdamagekick "0.0" set cg_drawfallkick "0.0" set cg_impactvibration "0.0" set cg_blinktime "0.0"
djuki32: i mean now djuki32: Lol iA! Dime': now?Å djuki32: yea iA! Dime': as in u and me djuki32: yea djuki32: lol iA! Dime': as in u and me and romantic dinner? djuki32: no soory djuki32: lool iA! Dime': u gotta buy me flowers at least djuki32: ok ok djuki32: :p
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kwantumpresbyterianen | Date: Friday, 01/11/2013, 09:52:12 | Message # 15 |
Messages: 73
| Quote djuki ( ) this isnt right either. this is what ant man has to say about it. toggles showing blood spurt effect when player's are shot. _ SO not when you are shot but when another player is shot. Im talking about all blood settings ...
your description isnt right. It needs to be Lowest Stable FPS you can run. its its set on the highest FPS it has no use. It'll make sure you FPS in constant and doenst vary! BTW it's mentions 2 times.
I though evry1 should know it has to be ofc stable FPS ...
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