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MilekDate: Friday, 07/02/2014, 22:55:10 | Message # 1

Messages: 260
Awards: 1
Reputation: 4
Hello again fellow clanmates!

This is more of a turning to you all than anything else. A couple of things have started to really bother me and I think it is in everybodys best intrest if I say them out here publicly.

Starting off with basic admin duties on the server - Why do I have to tell our members 5 times to fix the teams (for an example if its 11v8) and nobody switches. Even worse nobody responds. We have a lot of members ignoring the teams, basically ignoring everything related to admin work on the server. Guys wake up, IA is not only about wearing the tag and looking cool. Please consider this in the future. We are a family.

Secondly, in my mind, there is not enough activity on the forums. Yes, we have the "forum gang" who is active in almost every thread etc. But we also have a bunch of guys I barely or even worse NEVER seen writing something on the forums.
A perfect example - the voting topics. We have a shitload of guys in IA but strangely only some of us feel the need to make a vote on probation members.

Again.. I feel this is not the right way and I have the courage to say it. So please, atleast try to help others in any way possible. Either on the server or on the forums. It just feels awfully strange to me that some guys don't seeb to care about stuff like that. They play quietly and thats that. Sure, I can understand we are a fun clan and it's a game and you don't have time and so on. But come on, why are you in a clan if it is not at all important? Even chatting on the server. If you don't have time its perfectly okay, we have our lives, but it's not that hard to post on the forum atleast a couple of times a week.

In conclusion I just felt the urge to tell you all this instead of turning to a higher admin. Also note that I think most of the guys are doing a great job! Really, brilliant. But this should go to all of us!
Stay fresh and peace  chick


MostafaDate: Friday, 07/02/2014, 23:24:13 | Message # 2

Messages: 2016
Awards: 7
Reputation: 10
Teams Balance:

This is still common till now hardly any admin balances, It's always balanced kinda the same persons everytime.. I remember last week I had switched between teams 7 times in a map for inbalance, it felt boring but I never hesitated to do because it's my job. Today I was kinda annoyed that in supply as axis we were -3 I asked 3 times to balance no one gave a shit. The sad truth that the opponent team (Allies) had 5 war/ia members. we must find a sloution for this.


I know this is public server and so on but sometimes players prefer to just frag rather than not playing objective, sometimes also Medics just ignore reviving.. We must add a new rule for probabtions or mainly in the guideline. That rule states we need the player to focus more on objective playing / medics being useful than fraggers. 

Forum Activity:

We should include this as one of the rules probabtion members must do, they have to be active on forum aswell as on server so atleast after they pass probabtion we gonna still see them on forum because they were used to it..and if there's no forum activity he shouldn't be accepted into clan I mean in my own opnion I would vote no if he doesn't give a shit visiting forums at all for example.


PuppetDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 00:10:56 | Message # 3
CS:GO Server Admin

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YoU ArE My PuPpEtS >;)=

Dennis de Jong.

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HB-OrangeDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 09:59:03 | Message # 4

Messages: 991
Awards: 7
Reputation: 3
@Milek & Mustafa


I salute your engagement that you have. The only thing that I wannt to add is, be specific. Post names who don't join when teams are unbalanced. For example: I made a demo: bunch of players were"even the teams!", of course I could have done it, that's not a problem for me, BUT, I wannted to see how other, lower, admins would respond. I was dissapointed. If I recall correctly there was nitrox and 1 or 2 more. I cant remember. I'd also upload the demo, but I can't, i have it on my other laptop.
SO: Be specific, state names.

Quote Mostafa ()
Teamwork: I know this is public server and so on but sometimes players prefer to just frag rather than not playing objective, sometimes also Medics just ignore reviving.. We must add a new rule for probabtions or mainly in the guideline. That rule states we need the player to focus more on objective playing / medics being useful than fraggers.

Hi, as much I hate when I'm not revived and as much I hate when I got the feeling that I'm doing the objective alone, despite 10 other co-players, I must dissapoint you. We may not / can not FORCE the style of playing to our players. If they wannt to frag and not heal, we gotta deal with it.

Forum activity:

I support your statement totaly Mostafa.

That's from my side.
Fell free to comment.



WaRRioRDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 11:49:46 | Message # 5

Messages: 2657
Awards: 4
Reputation: 12
Quote Mostafa ()
Teamwork: I know this is public server and so on but sometimes players prefer to just frag rather than not playing objective, sometimes also Medics just ignore reviving.. We must add a new rule for probabtions or mainly in the guideline. That rule states we need the player to focus more on objective playing / medics being useful than fraggers.

i dont agree with this we cant force people to play like a team. and if we start kicking people for not doing teamwork our server will soon run out of people.

with the activity i support both of u mostafa and milek


"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again, expecting... shit to change.


Did I ever tell you the definition... of insanity?"

MilekDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 13:00:35 | Message # 6

Messages: 260
Awards: 1
Reputation: 4
Thank you for your replies, they are always welcome.

I think it's a bit harsh too, to force them play objective, although nothing irritates me more than that. 
Actually I've seen servers where objective playing is a rule. So that would not be anything new in the ET world.

I can post some names but I felt it would not be the greatest idea. So to avoid fights I will not do this. Although if I see this again and more than 1 time from the same players I will report. 

Regarding forum activity, I think we should be a little more strict about that. Serisously. 
More replies welcomed!


MostafaDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 13:21:39 | Message # 7

Messages: 2016
Awards: 7
Reputation: 10
It shouldn't be by force, but we should force, whom? the probabtion members! this way we are making them used to play objective and revive so when they join clan they were already used to it...
PS: Thanks for your replies smile


HB-OrangeDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 13:44:13 | Message # 8

Messages: 991
Awards: 7
Reputation: 3
Quote Milek ()
I can post some names but I felt it would not be the greatest idea. So to avoid fights I will not do this.

Avoid fights? How in the name of god can you solve the problems then? If you dont wannt o post the names, then talk to the individuals by yourself and explain what it needs to be done if teams are uneven.


MostafaDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 13:48:31 | Message # 9

Messages: 2016
Awards: 7
Reputation: 10
Quote HB-Orange ()
Avoid fights? How in the name of god can you solve the problems then? If you dont wannt o post the names, then talk to the individuals by yourself and explain what it needs to be done if teams are uneven.
I have seen him asking the individuals to do, I am sure Milek's last attempt would be posting names and everything become official about this case, anyway what do you think about the new rule I suggested? smile


GuevaraoldDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 14:57:08 | Message # 10

Messages: 980
Awards: 2
Reputation: 4
Quote Mostafa ()
That rule states we need the player to focus more on objective playing / medics being useful than fraggers.
I've made a topic on the officers forum a few weeks ago about changing the focus. Mainly our focus is now on whether a probabtion player misbehaves or not, yet I rather have a focus on good behaviour. The probation member has to follow the rules, of course, but should also be able to handle admin powers and responsibilities. I think we'd better focus on those little details like asking others to behave, switching teams etc. Another point I stated in that topic is that I prefer some attention to the forum activity during the probation period. But still during the probation period players are more frequently watching the forum due to their application.
Quote Milek ()
Why do I have to tell our members 5 times to fix the teams (for an example if its 11v8) and nobody switches. Even worse nobody responds

Amen. On the officers forum I made a suggestion for a command (!teams) which announces that the teams need to be equalized (preferably by IA/War members). But now that discussion has stretched to a idea of an automatic system that swaps players above level 9 to the other team to equalise the teams. But we're still thinking of the pro's and cons of it, and whether we're able to create such a system.


3 Miles up, 3 Miles down!

Xfire: 123blaze123
HB-OrangeDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 15:39:44 | Message # 11

Messages: 991
Awards: 7
Reputation: 3
Quote Guevara ()
But now that discussion has stretched to a idea of an automatic system that swaps players above level 9 to the other team to equalise the teams.

That system was established but it did not work out well.


Yes it would be nice if they would play ob more, but how to bring that closer to them, withou saying "PLAY OBJECTIVE or leave" smile


MilekDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 15:40:23 | Message # 12

Messages: 260
Awards: 1
Reputation: 4
Quote HB-Orange ()
Avoid fights? How in the name of god can you solve the problems then? If you dont wannt o post the names, then talk to the individuals by yourself and explain what it needs to be done if teams are uneven.

First of all as Mostafa said I have talked to the individuals multiple times. As I said I think it's better to make a public topic to our members to make us all think about it. Pointing fingers is not the only soloution and I like to believe that people can think and reconsider their behaviour without being publically pointed out and ripped apart - this won't do any good to our teamchemistry and I would prefer to avoid it as long as I can.

Don't worry I will report the names of those admins if I see it again (as I also mentioned before). And the list won't be short to be honest. If you think individual punishment will solve this then I think we have to agree to disagree. Maybe they just need someone to freshen their memory about our responsibilities?


MostafaDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 15:57:28 | Message # 13

Messages: 2016
Awards: 7
Reputation: 10
Quote HB-Orange ()
withou saying "PLAY OBJECTIVE or leave" :)
We do not say play objective or leave, but if he wants to be in clan he's required to play objective..tired of those fraggers..


MilekDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 15:59:09 | Message # 14

Messages: 260
Awards: 1
Reputation: 4
Actually you can frag and play the objective at the same time wink


MostafaDate: Saturday, 08/02/2014, 16:04:25 | Message # 15

Messages: 2016
Awards: 7
Reputation: 10
Quote Milek ()
frag and play the objective at the same time

That's how alot of players do. that's what I mean biggrin


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