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MeiziDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 16:47:25 | Message # 1

Messages: 7753
Awards: 23
Reputation: 20
Well, I've already informed everybody in higher levels, but after thinking it, I thought it would be fair to let everybody know as well.

Due to my busy times irl, I have resigned as a Manager. This means I'll be a normal member for time being and I have equal rights to every other member too. I wanted to share this with you, since I don't want to keep everybody else in the dark and because I'm not able to come ingame yet due to my computer issues, I found this way to be the best to inform you all. smile

Idk what management team is going to do to my spot, probably nothing, but I think you'll find out if any changes is going to happen smile



GuevaraoldDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 18:11:59 | Message # 2

Messages: 980
Awards: 2
Reputation: 4
Too bad too hear sad   Isn't it an idea to become an officer? In that way you're still involved with the management without that much responsibilities. Because in my opinion you're able to post good arguments on issues.

Isn't there any progress yet with your pc ;(?


3 Miles up, 3 Miles down!

Xfire: 123blaze123
iPaulDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 18:56:15 | Message # 3

Messages: 1913
Awards: 12
Reputation: 13
Quote Meizi ()
Idk what management team is going to do to my spot
They will hold it for u biggrin


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"The key to immortality is to live a life worth remembering". Bruce Lee
"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally". David Frost
DimeDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 19:06:43 | Message # 4
Counterstrike:GO Admin

Messages: 3103
Awards: 17
Reputation: 9
Quote iPaul ()
They will hold it for u
no biggrin


[02:06] iA! Dime': cos i think its ridicilous how our bots shoot me 3x head
[02:06] jeup: you just suck

[22:23] #IA|JT': lol shut up and leave me alone xD
[22:23] iA! Dime': haha
[22:23] #IA|JT': never ask me something anymore!

#IA|qweq* - Your Rifling Was So Epic That I Could Fap To It

(3ahed123): my ass hurting me

[21:15] iA! Dime': whats ur relationship with ET atm? :D
[21:15] jeup: its really a deep going relationship that i have going on right now its all cool like the hippos in africa
[21:16] iA! Dime': thats what i was going for...
MilekDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 20:02:25 | Message # 5

Messages: 260
Awards: 1
Reputation: 4
I think Guevara has a point wink but gl in exams and I'm sure you'll be back soon in the server.


MeiziDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 21:34:16 | Message # 6

Messages: 7753
Awards: 23
Reputation: 20
I don't have exams for over a month or so biggrin But thanks.

And no, iPaul, they don't hold it for me because it wouldn't be fair. And in fact I don't even want them to hold it for me. There comes a certain point where all this stops being fun and feel like more of a job. I think I've reached that point now and I saw it necessary for me as for the clan to just step aside and get my things in real life in order first. Also, like JT mentioned couple months back, that all these assigning officers and stuff are part of getting a new generation in the leading and this way I'm making my part in that, since it wouldn't be fair for them if I was inactive and still a manager. It would lower their chances to get into the manager group, as I was the most negative person in there and I would have probably denied everybody biggrin

Anyways, I hope I didn't create any "drama". I just wanted to clear things up for everybody and actually for myself as well. Writing my thoughts to somewhere really helps getting my shit together biggrin Oh, and I'm starting to write English essay tomorrow so I wanted to practice it by writing a long text which probably nobody reads biggrin


DropzDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 22:09:51 | Message # 7

Messages: 1886
Awards: 7
Reputation: 11
Quote Meizi ()
Oh, and I'm starting to write English essay tomorrow so I wanted to practice it by writing a long text which probably nobody reads
I read it <3<3


Real eyes Realise Real lies!
MostafaDate: Thursday, 06/02/2014, 23:06:47 | Message # 8

Messages: 2016
Awards: 7
Reputation: 10
Quote Guevara ()
Isn't it an idea to become an officer? In that way you're still involved with the management without that much responsibilities. Because in my opinion you're able to post good arguments on issues.
Well said Guevara.

If you want to step back you should step back as an officer. It's sure you had great experince being a Manager and would like to see your good posts involved with us, as an officer you are not as responsible as a Manager like Guevara mentioned. so atleast this is a better decision than being a Member. smile


GuevaraoldDate: Friday, 07/02/2014, 01:24:14 | Message # 9

Messages: 980
Awards: 2
Reputation: 4
Quote Meizi ()
I was the most negative person

Negative or critical, because being critical seems to be negative, but I a good quality. Anyway. I think you'd indeed be better of as an officer since you're still pretty active on the forum smile


3 Miles up, 3 Miles down!

Xfire: 123blaze123
imsozzDate: Tuesday, 11/02/2014, 21:39:06 | Message # 10

Messages: 212
Awards: 0
Reputation: 5
meizi , i've read it smile and being critical and negative is good. It shows u ain't scared for giving your opinion. Too bad u stepped a side but I do agree on the fact that you are giving the younger generation a chance to take it over. But never forget that your opinion can always be usefull smile


WaRRioRDate: Tuesday, 11/02/2014, 22:53:00 | Message # 11

Messages: 2657
Awards: 4
Reputation: 12
I read it, but anyway gl with getting ur real life sorted hope to see you back soon :D.


"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again, expecting... shit to change.


Did I ever tell you the definition... of insanity?"

MilekDate: Tuesday, 11/02/2014, 23:25:13 | Message # 12

Messages: 260
Awards: 1
Reputation: 4
Seems like everyone read it lol. I respect your desicion.


Fl3tcheRDate: Wednesday, 12/02/2014, 16:44:05 | Message # 13

Messages: 294
Awards: 1
Reputation: 3
sad to see u leave the spot mate, you did a great job! good luck with the exams smile

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