Membership Rules.

1.Never use admin commands without any reason vs players or members!

2.Never use any commands to help you winning, this is cheating!

3.Be active on forum & server. Alot of usefull information is on our site. Use it!

  • 5 days inactive without letting us know = inactive mode
  • when you come back, with a good reason you will be back as normal member
  • 10 days inactive without letting us know = kicked 
  • when you come back, with a good reason you will be back with 2 levels lower
  • 20 or more days inactive = kicked
  • when you come back, you have to play first 2 weeks in the server and then make an apply again.

4.Respect other members and players!

5.Never ask for higher admin level! All will get promotion sometime, we decide when!

6.Double-clanning is NOT allowed!

  • As an IA Member , we dont want to see you in other Clans or Scrimteams!

7.Follow the server and membership rules!

When you dont follow these rules, we decide on the situation what we will do.

this can be:


