We tryed funny and different things before, but ET isn't what it was anymore, it ain't gonna work. The best fun part we can achieve is a full server, playing with lots of people. If we are in the minds of these people, we might think of adding things and no, not skinmods etc, im talking about maps.
Sherclock: "im socially awkward pinguin" Dime: "atleast I get huge satisfaction from abusing jeup" 3AHED: "download speed 1 kb/sec.. dman no porns tonight" Rag3: "maybe you noobs dont know that i know that you think i dont know you can see me recording" Peace: "You'll pay an aircraft carrier for doing a fishing..."
#IA|Tomasz: you titty suckin' two balled bitch with a fat green lip #IA|Tomasz: are you here?
#IA|GreenFire: i cant be with grilfriends #IA|GreenFire: i like more to.. u know