Well Yaron, as you are the one why I started playing this game and because you are the one who was the closed on my side while building this clan I got to post something nice here also
Thanks for all the laughing, fun, scared situations, stressfull times and everything else in =RS= and #IA|. I do honestly think that we would not have come this far without your help and efforts! Thanks!
Ofcourse we keep in touch on Xfire, msn or Facebook, but still I want to wish you all the best in future! Now finish ur study, get ur apartment up and running and find this WOMAN you are waiting for! (Those nudes clubs are soooo 2009!)
Cheers MATE!
Sherclock: "im socially awkward pinguin" Dime: "atleast I get huge satisfaction from abusing jeup" 3AHED: "download speed 1 kb/sec.. dman no porns tonight" Rag3: "maybe you noobs dont know that i know that you think i dont know you can see me recording" Peace: "You'll pay an aircraft carrier for doing a fishing..."
#IA|Tomasz: you titty suckin' two balled bitch with a fat green lip #IA|Tomasz: are you here?
#IA|GreenFire: i cant be with grilfriends #IA|GreenFire: i like more to.. u know